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EepGet - a downloader for I2P
EepGet is a free command-line tool for non-interactively downloading files from the I2P network.
Non-interactive in this context means that the user does not need to watch and provide additional input. The user should be confident that once EepGet is started, it will successfully download the file. Particularly with big files this is an advantage not to be underestimated: EepGet works, while the user rests.
EepGet is developed actively together with I2P to work reliably, even on slow and unstable network connections. If a download fails midway due to a broken connection, EepGet tries to resume the download as many times as the user specifies, or 5 times by default.
EepGet is a Java class which can be called from the command line with the eepget command. If EepGet is called without arguments, it outputs usage information.
Screen shot
Example of use with 10 retries and the result:
./eepget -n 10 http://www.i2p2.i2p/_static/pdf/i2p_philosophy.pdf
EepGet in the terminal after a successful download
- All parameters are optional except for the URL.
- -p proxyHost:proxyPort
- The network address and the port to which EepGet should be bound. The proxyHost should be either a hostname or a numeric IP address. This option is useful if you're running EepGet on a different computer than the I2P-Router. Example: eepget -p localhost:4444 . Default: .
- -n retries
- The number of times EepGet should retry if the download fails. Default: 5.
- -e etag
- ETag (stands for? entity sit?, possibly Entitätmarke) is one in the HTTP 1.1 introduced Header fields. It serves for the regulation of changes in the requested resource and is applied mainly to the caching, also of the avoidance of redundant data communications.
- -o outputFile
- The document is saved under the given name. If this option is not given, the output filename will be determined by the URL.
- -m markSize
- Controls the progress display. markSize is the number of bytes one # character represents. Default: 1024
- -l lineLen
- Controls the progress display. lineLen is the length of one progress line in characters. Default: 40
- -t timeout
- How long until EepGet considers a connection attempt as missed. Setting timeout to 0 causes EepGet to wait indefinitely for the connection. Default: 60 Seconds.
- -h headerName=headerValue
- -u username -x password
- Provide a username and a password if required.
- url
- The complete URL to the file.
Other use
- By specifying a different proxy, EepGet can also be used to download files from the Internet or from the Tor network. However, be aware that depending on the proxy, this connection may not be made anonymously. Example use of EepGet with a web proxy which accesses the Internet directly:
./eepget -p localhost:8118
- The I2P programs Syndie and azneti2phelper (Vuze) have already integrated EepGet and use it for the fulfillment of certain tasks.