Off this Wiki site
- Things you can do to increase your anonymity while browsing eepsites.
- How to configure your internet hardware router, and your computer's firewall.
- How to run a Darkworld (galaxy MMOG) client on I2P.
- How to explain newbies why privacy matters.
- How to help I2P network and users with your own I2P node.
- How to setup an EepGateway.
Network tips
Local area network (LAN)
Wide area network (WAN)
- How to make the I2P webinterface (router console) accessible from the clearnet Internet network.
- How to run the I2P router and the I2PTunnel on separate computers.
- SecureShell (SSH) : if you want to use I2P securely, but don't have it installed locally.
IRC inside I2P
IRC2P is the name of the official IRC network inside I2P, but there are others[1]
Before 2014 you could launch several IRC clients, each one was hidden behind a @irc2p address (it was easy to have multiple identites, but for spammers too).
/!\ From february 2014, the I2P's IRC functioning has changed (ref), the following informations might not be up to date. To have a second identity it is necessary to create a second IRC2P tunnel from the tunnel manager, use a second Port number, and a second IRC client software.
I2P's FAQ: read "How do I connect to IRC within I2P?"
The I2P plugin 'jIRCii' is an Internet Relay Chat client written in Java. You may use it, this avoid to setup and use your favorite IRC client software.
In the channels #i2p and #i2pchat, a infobot (information robot, named "ency2pedia"[2]) is available, you can call it by typing "!help", and ask questions such as "!irc" and more.
See also:
- (en) Eepsite Index: Chat - Links about IRC.
- (en)(de) A guide about improving anonymity on IRC (2006)
- DCC over I2P (2007)
File sharing
- (fr) French/Français : Installer et configurer I2P, configurer le proxy I2P dans Firefox, installer et configurer le client P2P iMule pour I2P
- A "really simple way" to send files to people. Requires only netcat. (page never wrote. Netcat is a utility software)
Web forums in I2P run like in the clearnet.
Some softwares provides a way to use (and "host") distributed forums, this mean that no web site (eepsite) is needed, and that as long as one peer is running the software, the forum(s) is up. Read : WOT forums.
Voice over IP
VoIP over I2P : not yet officially developed in I2P.
- the software Mumble can be used as a VOIP server inside I2P.
Operating system specific
Windows specific
- Running applications under unprivileged user accounts in Windows.
- (en)+(zh) URI Based Proxy Switching for I2P on Windows
Mac OS X specific
Qubes OS specific
Computer specific
- I2P and hardware - Searching the ultimate home PC as a I2P router running 24/7
Eepsite hosting
Main article: EepsiteHosting
Making I2P-capable computer programs
- SAM v3 bridge - Specification and libraries
- ↑ You can ask the infobox Ency2pedia (in #i2p and #i2pchat) by typing "!IRC servers". As of 2016-02-23, it's answer is: "I know of these I2P IRC networks: Irc2P (irc.postman.i2p+irc.echelon.i2p+irc.dg.i2p) (here), irc.welterde.i2p, irc.killyourtv.i2p, You cannot connect to regular IRC servers. (see also <non-I2P IRC networks><Freenode> & <IRC tunnel>)"
- ↑ http://killyourtv.i2p/enci2pedia/